Replying to unnumbered pinpricks of Europe (Mr. Solana) and Pres. Chirac

Besides classic anti-Semitism, actual pro-Arab sentiments in Europe have two reasons: 1st, psychological; to lower fear of terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists and fear to expose them very high dependency of Europe on oil; 2nd, to appease domestic European-Arab feelings fed by birth rates. Of course, it has to be noticed - and denounced to UNO - those dangerous new kinds of international relations in Europe; where pro-Arab means against-Israel; and of diplomacy, where pro-Arab means against-Jews. Relating to Chirac, he keeps trying to teach the Jews civilized ways to use guillotines.
But on following excerpt of article of Rebecca Anna Stoil on JP (Sept 4th, 2006); she reveals us that Europe is not simply pinpricking us but desiring to declare War against Israel:
"European countries have been refusing to allow planes carrying IDF supplies to be refueled at their airports, according to the El Al Pilots Union. (I supressed Country names here) refused to allow El Al cargo planes transporting US military equipment to Israel to land and refuel, El Al Pilots Union chairman Itai Regev wrote in a letter sent Sunday to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. He said El Al's 747 cargo planes frequently carry crucial military supplies to Israel, but European policy forces the planes to carry barely half of their 90-ton capacity once they can not be refueled en route."
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