Our Identity as Jews
Posted in weekly Column of Caroline Glick on JP
Jean-Paul Sartre would totally agree with you, Caroline. When you say "Jews are hated for what they are", in fact this is the actual dimension of anti-semitism. Our economical/intellectual/ scientific/artistic success (we are many between the bests in the world) is biggest source of hatred (specially when you add Military success). Who hate Jews, hate the power we own. In their minds, our success explains their despair and lack of happiness.

Something worse that accelerates nuclear-fission of their hatred: everything we succeed to get throughout History we do without the need of hatred against anyone. And to hate is something they always knew well how to do it. While we were in European ghettos for centuries till times in nazi concentration camps we did not hate our enemies. I am sure our lack of hate was a very important answer against their ignorance and still is.
God knows why. As a young Nation, with too many scars of wars already, we have not been singing songs of Peace anymore in Israel. Surprisingly, some countries start thinking: "Israelis (Jews) must be in need of some Peaceā¦". Wishing you a Shanah Tovah, Caroline, while decoding your Mona Lisa style smile, I think: Why did she say "Jews are hated for what they are" instead of "what we are"?
1- Jean-Paul Sartre was mentioned here just to show Caroline a small correction (she called the Philosopher "Sarte").
2- Last paragraph of the Post was not issued by JP.
3- Courtesy of Picture: The Holy Land Hotel, Jerusalem.
Jean-Paul Sartre would totally agree with you, Caroline. When you say "Jews are hated for what they are", in fact this is the actual dimension of anti-semitism. Our economical/intellectual/ scientific/artistic success (we are many between the bests in the world) is biggest source of hatred (specially when you add Military success). Who hate Jews, hate the power we own. In their minds, our success explains their despair and lack of happiness.

Something worse that accelerates nuclear-fission of their hatred: everything we succeed to get throughout History we do without the need of hatred against anyone. And to hate is something they always knew well how to do it. While we were in European ghettos for centuries till times in nazi concentration camps we did not hate our enemies. I am sure our lack of hate was a very important answer against their ignorance and still is.
God knows why. As a young Nation, with too many scars of wars already, we have not been singing songs of Peace anymore in Israel. Surprisingly, some countries start thinking: "Israelis (Jews) must be in need of some Peaceā¦". Wishing you a Shanah Tovah, Caroline, while decoding your Mona Lisa style smile, I think: Why did she say "Jews are hated for what they are" instead of "what we are"?
1- Jean-Paul Sartre was mentioned here just to show Caroline a small correction (she called the Philosopher "Sarte").
2- Last paragraph of the Post was not issued by JP.
3- Courtesy of Picture: The Holy Land Hotel, Jerusalem.
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